Love Does Not Dishonor Others

Love means allowing another person the space to be themselves.

Love is not forcing beliefs, no matter what they are, on others. 

Love cannot be coerced. 

Love does not mean I must agree with everything another person says or believes. Yet love does mean I give them the space to not agree with everything that I say or believe.

I'm not so sure we understand this when I see the public discourse.

I see people trying to stand up for what they believe in. 

I see people attempting to impose those beliefs on others when it suits them, or cry foul when it hurts their chances. 

I see lines being drawn, sides formed, and trenches dug. 

I see people trying to win, not people trying to love.

What saves us anyway? 

Where is hope found?

Do we really think that it is any particular position, dogma, government, or economic system?

Is freedom only possible by limiting other's freedoms? It doesn't matter if we are majority or minority opinion, but do we have to limit or preserve benefits at the expense of others because they act, believe, or think differently than us? 

How is love evidenced in disagreement and political campaigns?

Where was love yesterday, on either side of the Chick-fil-A debacle?

Yes, on either side...its not about who was right or wrong, but who acted lovingly? 

I believe we do need to change the question when we talk about public debates. Action must start out of love. 

How can we lovingly approach this situation? Not - how can we win? or I am right so I am going to prove I am right - these are not the starting place for our actions and words. We must start with love. 

In love, I believe one thing and you another. 

Love lets me still stand for my beliefs, but it is not at the sake of another.

Love can exhort or correct, but does not persecute, slander, or destroy. 

Love still acts lovingly even when the other person does not.

If you only love those who love you, what reward do you have?

Yesterday was ugly because it was not a day when love shone brightly.

My heart aches because of love, for people on every side of the issue.

I cannot coerce anyone to love.

I can only live in love, which brings cohesion (they will know us by our love).

If I ever want to know how to live lovingly, 1 Corinthians 13 sure gives me a good blueprint. The entire chapter is so relevant to the current situation, as it is generally missing. 

Lets stop acting and thinking like children. 

Lets stop rationalizing our actions on how we say we love, and look at how our actions actually demonstrate this love. 

Love is not love without action.

What is love? 

It is the how we do what we do. 

It is how we act.


Love is patient.

Love is kind.

Love does not envy.

Love does not boast.

Love is not proud.

Love does not dishonor others.

Love is not self-seeking.

Love is not easily angered.

Love keeps no records of wrong.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Love always protects.

Love always trusts.

Love always hopes.

Love always perseveres.


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